Even though my lesson was cancelled due to
extreme heat and humidity I decided to go up to the barn anyway.
I slowly got Vinny
tacked up and ready to go and headed up the hill to the outdoor ring. I thought
it might be fun to ride outside before the storm was supposed to hit. There was
a nice breeze and it wasn’t as hot as I thought it was going to be, but the bugs.
Oh my goodness, the bugs were horrendous. I need one of those fly masks for
people. I tried trotting to see if the bugs would stay back, but no, they kept
up with my head. Lovely.
We went back down to
the indoor and had a nice ride on the flat. He was much more responsive to
my aids. I immediately got the trot I wanted and amazingly he kept it up
through a few nice circles. Next we worked on changes. I attempted them through
the center line and through the diagonal. Our simple changes are actually quite
quick and look nice, but I cannot get anything that resembles a flying change
out of this horse. Not even half-way. He is more than happy to continue counter
cantering around the ring. Any suggestions here? I think I’ve mentioned before
that I am not confident enough to school a flying change, but this horse
doesn’t even give it a second thought. Also - he got his hocks done a few weeks ago...He just carries on his merry way
flopping around the ring. Arrgghhh.
I’m not really sure
why, but there wasn’t anyone at the barn last night. Only the BM and one
employee. Seems kind of weird to me since there are 30+ horses boarded there…
I thought hey, while
no one is here, I shall turn my pony out in the indoor ring. Pretty normal
thought, right? Pumpkin head might like to walk himself around, look out the
scary door, roll…maybe be a horse?
Here is what happened
in a series of pictures. This is the result I got upon 'shooing' him away with a crop:
is there food here?
This is what happened when I tried to get him to go over to the 'scary' door he loves to look out:
wait for me!
wait up, mom!
caught up! I shall stand here until you move again. |
I love my horsey. He is so cute. He tries to act tough but just look at him.
I hosed him off and put him back in his stall. Then a barn mom and I turned all of the fans off since we could hear thunder/see lightning.
Eventually I went home and...wait for ittt...did my nails!
Here was the first try. I thought this would be cute but on second thought it kind of looked like an advertisement for a fast food restaurant:
I realize this is dark. The colors were a salmon-y/orange and yellow.
This is what I ended up with:
again, sorry for the darkness. this is purple-y metallic-y