(For anyone wondering what happened to the old facility I was at, it was bought out by a woman that does Vaulting)
I called the instructor up and we arranged a lesson for a few days later. The facility was nice - a traditional red and white wooden barn with an indoor in the center. I couldn't see much of the outside since it was dark out, but I know there was a big outdoor and another barn up a small hill.

Here's a pic from Google Images. Hopefully that's legal.
She put me up on a little red QH mare that was quite sassy on the ground but okay once in the saddle. Gem was a typical QH, probably had been started western and just doing up down English lessons now. She dove into the center often and took actual kicking in order to move her body laterally. But she was cute and didn't say no to anything I pointed her at.
That's right, this instructor had me jumping little crossrails and 2' verticals on the first day, even though I had told her about my jumping fear (thanks to Vinny). I didn't feel especially proud, since I just sort of sat there and let her do whatever. I quickly realized that she liked the long spot, so I began to ride her right up to the base of the fence. Also I was figuring, if I had some speed and made my intent clear, she wouldn't stop. Mind you - instructor told me that she wasn't going to stop - this 'fear' was all in my head.
Instructor said, hey we're not doing jumpers here, just relax and slow down. So I did. And Gem was fine. She was relaxed and kept a good but slow pace. The rest of the lesson went okay but I wasn't super impressed with the instructor. She seemed more geared towards working with kids. She liked me to stay on the rail (yes in the dreaded rail ditch) and kind of just watched as I went around, without saying much. I tend to like an instructor to pick at me and really make me work so as you can probably tell - this facility and instructor didn't work out for me.
I still took two more lessons with her before deciding that I would find a new place.
My step daughter, Zoe did end up taking her first lesson at this facility and blew me away with her natural skill. A working student led her around as she got the hang of posting the trot - on her first day! Maybe I will post a vid. Have to make sure it's okay with her dad.
Unfortunately, I don't have anyone to take pics/vids of my riding. Sorry everyone! Maybe on Saturday the Almost-fiance will be able to take some.
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