Monday, June 24, 2013


I would like to point out that on Friday, June 21 I hit 500 views. That’s in just three weeks of posting.
So, a huge Thank You!!! To all of my ‘followers’ err 'readers' whomever you are! ((HUGE HUGS))

Okay, okay, I know that mommy and daddy follow my blog, thanks guys! And a few friends (including my ever-special bestie), thanks friends! And my dear friend and (ex) riding instructor, Karen, thanks Karen! As far as fellow bloggers, Karley over at All In and I believe L Williams over at Viva Carlos both read my ramblings, so thanks to you both!


Anyone else who reads my blog, please make yourselves known! (add me to your circle or whatever you have to do) I would love to hear from you and follow your blogs if I don’t already. Also, I would like to hold a giveaway in the next couple months, and uhhh I need to know at least your names in order to host one. :P

Onto the horsey-stuff.

Question one:

Do you think this quarter sheet would complement or clash with Vinny’s coat?

Question two:

I really want to use this silhouette in my auto-sig at work. Would you be confused and think that I work from some equine-related operation? Or would you think I’m just obsessed with horses?


And finally.

Tonight was originally supposed to be lesson night. But, this is weather I'm currently dealing with:
Now you might be thinking this temp isn't so bad, which it isn't really. But please add at least 50% humidity and then tell me you want to do an hour long lesson. I think you may say, nay. haha. Do you think I would slump off my mount into a pool of sweat? I’m thinking ,definitely, yes.


1 comment:

  1. Do those sheets actually stay on? I always thought they seemed like a major spook hazard :) I think it would look fine though.


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