Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Jumping Queen

I look forward to lesson day very much, and yesterday was no exception.

My day started off okay, I had a relaxing day at work – not too stressful – and was able to leave right at 1700 to head up to the barn. I walked into the tack room and there was a big cage on the floor. The kind you might use for a bunny. I look around like what the heck? And then see that one of the gals is holding a baby raccoon! Oh. Em. Gee! I remember this ‘coon from a couple of weeks ago. A gal brought him in from her house as a tiny baby. Maybe eight inches long and just adorable. Now he is about puppy sized and as sweet as could be.

Example of sweetness: I went in to the changing room to switch pants and all that and all of a sudden I feel something licking my toes- - hah! I squealed ‘cause it scared me, but I looked down and saw the adorable little ball of fur and I got to pick him up and hold him. He likes to be held over the shoulder, like a baby. Oh jeez. Can I have a raccoon too??? He gnawed on my fingers just like a puppy but his teeth were quite dull and he was very gentle. Siggghhh. I need to find a pic of this baby. 

Here is a pic for reference of size and cuteness – but this is not him.

Onto my lesson. Vinny was being his usual lazy self but not TOO too bad.
We worked on a lot of transitions and did get a solid halt to canter that was pretty nice. After that S had a couple of the girls come into the ring and set us a cross rail. This proved to be much too small as Vinny was basically just hopping over it. S had them raise it up a little bit and he did end up jumping it, but lazily.

Then S had the girls raise it up to a small vertical. Maybe 18-24 inches high, so pretty small. At this point the girls were singing and dancing to their own version of some song on the radio. Love these girls.

Vinny and I cantered this jump in both directions and I felt pretty good about it! One thing I really want to work on is shoving my heels down. There were a few fences where I felt like I had too much pressure on my toes.

Here is a short clip of one of our jumps:
I love when we jump in lessons. And let me tell you, I’m so glad my position doesn’t suck. Do you think my release is too short?

Anywho. I untacked my precious pony and hosed him down. Then diluted some of that menthol stuff and sponged down his back, shoulders and rump. Put him back in stall with fan on. Spoiled pony.

Tonight is my ‘training’ day with the BM. Then I start working on Sundays

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